Prayer Wall

Please pray for those who have requested prayers below. These prayers will also be carried and prayed for by the pilgrims on our next Camino!

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Prayers for guidance given current changes at work and support to know about location and direction.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“That my daughter returns to me and my family with a heart full of love and a desire to be close to us. That I see my grandchildren again soon and be a steady part of their lives. That they all turn to our Lord and let their hearts be full of His divine love and spirit”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Peace in my family, love returns between us, and my younger brother and sister overcome their health problems.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“For the repose of the soul of my dad, Jim. For the conversion of my mom (Rhonda) and my brother (Skye).”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Pray for this who are struck by the fires in Portugal and safety for those on the camino.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my dear friend’s mother who has been the ICU for two months. Her body is failing and is in need of a heart transplant. The doctors have indicated there is nothing more they can do. We would like to pray that God provides her strength and should it be His will a new heart and healing. Should this not work we pray that He will give her strength and courage during her final days and that He would allow her to pass comfortably in the presence of her loved ones.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“In thanksgiving for the baptism of another child of God the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray that I'll be free of my GERD and lingering health issues. No one has been able to help me, and I can't take any if the usual medicines. Eating is a struggle. I've lost so much joy in my life, and my mental health is starting to struggle. Pray I can have faith, find hope, and heal completely, so my husband and I can move forward with the adoption process and I can pursue a career helping others.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my daughter in laws mom who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I pray the Divine physician gives her healing, courage and strength for the journey.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray that I see the hand of God in all situations and that I can hear and discern the voice of God and the Holy Spirit speaking to me.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my son as he navigates adulthood and job opportunities. Pray that the Holy Spirit helps him discern what is truly his path and not just the comfort of the familiar.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for the conversation of my 5 children their spouses and 12 grandchildren. None are in the church. Also for a safe Camino walk for all. God bless you Thank you”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my great nephew who’s battling cancer.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Looking for a new start after divorce. Hope to find a house to buy soon”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Prayers for our Nations.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my father Wayne Ford. He is in the ICU with COPD and congestive heart failure. Please pray for his conversion. Please pray for his healing. Please pray for our family to accept the will of God.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for Shelby and Miles, who just lost their baby at 24 weeks. That they understand that there is a reason for everything and can begin to heal.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my family and those who are hurting.”

Anonymous | Sep 18, 2024

“Please pray for my daughter as she prepares to join the Navy - for safety and for a strong sense of God's direction and providence in her life.”